Female Student Holding A Turtle

Biological and Environmental Sciences is a growing discipline where new career paths and areas of specialization emerge with each new scientific discovery and environmental problem facing the United States and the rest of the world. 资本 students discover and understand the science of life – the 基金会, 结构, 进化, 目的, and interconnectedness of living organisms, and the environments in which they coexist.



Discover the Science of Life

Environmental Scientists and Biologists Improve Lives

Biological and Environmental Science

Whether a student’s interests lie in medicine, 免疫学, 分子遗传学, 取证, air and water quality management, 栖息地的保护, 野生动物生物学, aquatic invertebrates, 药店, 环境法律, 细胞遗传学, biochemistry (the list goes on), the path toward a career in the life sciences begins with a degree in Biological and Environmental Sciences at 资本. 资本’s 生物学 degree program presents a well-rounded study of the discipline of biology, coupled with individual flexibility in a final program. The Environmental Science degree combines the diversity and critical thinking skills of a liberal arts education with a solid 基金会 in the basic sciences. Central to both degrees are research, field experience and internship opportunities.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • 动物园管理员
  • 科学作家
  • Forestry and Parks Specialist
  • University Professor
  • Public Health Professional
  • 野生动物管理器

Student to Faculty Ratio


Acre Primmer Outdoor Learning Center with 7 Ecosystems


Faculty Advising from Start to Finish

Explore this Program

Experiential Learning

Students are encouraged to participate in internships and laboratory
and field-based research opportunities that may lead to presentations
at regional or national scientific meetings. Short-term field courses
allow students to study 生物学 and Environmental Science topics,
and become involved in the broader community. A hands-on internship or research opportunity in a business, government agency, or volunteer
organization is also available to round out each student’s training.

Primmer Outdoor Learning Center

威尼斯人平台’s Primmer Outdoor Learning Center in the Hocking Hills region is a 74-acre property with seven ecosystems, including a 15-acre wetland, a secondary growth deciduous woodlot with groundwater seeps which feed into small streams, and restored prairie habitats. This center is used by students and faculty for research and service projects focused on ecological restoration, biological conservation, and environmental sustainability.

Environmental Sciences 教育 Certificate

Science teachers are in high demand. Students pursuing the Environmental Sciences 教育 Certificate want to bring science to life for young learners. The broad expertise and professional commitment of the Science faculty at 资本 offer students the personal attention and necessary breadth to understand and solve complex Biological and Environmental problems. In addition to a strong science
基金会, the Environmental Sciences 教育 Certificate includes courses in economics, 公共政策, 技术写作, and environmental regulations all of which are designed to help students understand the underlying causes of many environmental problems.


  • Foundations of 生物学
  • Principles of Chemistry
  • 研究方法
  • 遗传学
  • 生态
  • 普通物理
Female Walking With A Cell Phone


Male And Female Standing In Front Of Mees


Students Standing Around Gate

